If you or someone you know is immigrating to the United States, you probably have a lot of questions at this time. If you’re immigrating, you’ll be wondering who is eligible to sponsor you. If you know someone who is immigrating, you may be wondering whether you are eligible to sponsor them. This post will aim to give you a little more information about who can sponsor an immigrant to the United States.
If you have questions about who can sponsor an immigrant and are in the Lexington, Kentucky, area, contact the Kentucky immigration attorneys of Carman Fullerton. Immigration can be an overwhelming process if you don’t know what to expect.
Who Can Sponsor an Immigrant?
In the immigration process, it is the immigrant’s job to provide proof of his or her own good character. It is the sponsor’s job to show that either the sponsor or the immigrant has the financial wherewithal to support the new residents when they get to their new country.
There are three general categories of people who are eligible to sponsor an immigrant to the United States:
- Immediate Family Members
This includes spouses who are U.S. citizens, parents who are U.S. citizens, or children who are U.S. citizens. Your spouse, your parents, or your children can all sponsor you—provided that one of them is a citizen of the United States.
- Non-immediate Family Members
This includes your siblings, married children, and unmarried children over 21 years of age. More distant relatives, including grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts, are not eligible to sponsor an immigrant through family sponsorship.
- United States Employers
Employers in the United States can sponsor their employees for temporary Visas if the employee has special skills, degrees, or knowledge. Stated salary and proof of an offer of employment can serve as proof of independent financial support. If you’re navigating the complexities of student visas, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a skilled professional, such as a Lexington student visa lawyer, who can provide expert assistance tailored to your specific situation.
Anyone who serves as a sponsor must either be a United States citizen or have a green card.
Filing Your Sponsorship
Filing your sponsorship is an involved process, and at the least it’s going to involve a lot of paperwork. If your application is turned down, you can always appeal—but if your application is turned down, it’s definitely time for you to talk to an immigration attorney. Much of the time, applications are turned down simply because the individuals filing them didn’t have the necessary background knowledge to fill them out correctly. With the help of an immigration attorney, you can ensure that you have the best possible chance of a quick and easy immigration process.
The attorneys at Carman Fullerton respect Kentucky’s long history of successful immigration, and they are ready to help any immigrant who needs legal representation. Contact a Kentucky immigration attorney at (859) 340-1997 for a initial consultation to discuss your specific legal situation. We value immigrants, and we are here to serve you.

Attorney Kirby J. Fullerton
Mr. Fullerton’s practice is focused on immigration law. He speaks Spanish, and represents clients in cases before the immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals. He began his career practicing criminal defense, and understands how matters in criminal courts can affect a client’s immigration status. [Attorney Bio]