Immigration Lawyers Kentucky Florida




Work Visas in Kentucky and Florida









Kentucky Immigration Lawyer



If you are an immigrant to the United States, our immigration lawyers know that immigration and ICE issues can be frightening and confusing for you and your family. There is a lot of uncertainty and upheaval when you are dealing with phone calls, letters, extensive paperwork or visits to your doorstep from immigration officials. You do not have to deal with this alone.

The skilled and experienced Kentucky immigration lawyers at Carman Fullerton can help. Our immigration attorneys focus on serving the unique legal needs of immigrants and their families. Immigration, family law, criminal defense – each presents unique concerns, and we have the legal skills to handle all of these. Rest assured that we have helped many immigrant families just like yours.

Our immigration attorneys speak Spanish and have assisted clients who speak other languages as well. We know that many of our clients feel more comfortable speaking in their native tongue. No matter which legal challenges you or your family faces, Carman Fullerton can provide you with legal representation that can make the difference.

If you or your loved ones are in need of legal assistance, take action now to protect yourself and your family by talking with an immigration lawyer in Lexington who understands your situation. The sooner you take action, the better, before issues become even more complicated. We will walk with you every step of the way as we move through your legal immigration issues.

Carman Fullerton has worked with people in this country who have entered legally and illegally, non-citizens, with or without status, to help them fight for their American Dream. Let us help you.

Your future is too important to risk. Call us today to see how we can help at (859) 971-0060.

We work with our clients on a wide range of legal issues, including child custody, child support, domestic violence and prenuptial agreements.

A conviction can take away a person’s liberty and can have long-lasting professional and financial effects.

Our immigration attorneys provide the legal solutions needed if you are fighting possible deportation or detention. In some cases we can stop removal proceedings.

Immigration lawyers at Carman Fullerton can provide you with representation that can make the difference. Put your trust in the attorneys who earn the trust of their clients every day.

Click Now to Request More Information

Lexington, KY Office

(859) 971-0060
271 West Short St., Ste 101
Lexington, Kentucky 40507

Tampa, FL Office

(813) 682-4770
210 West Platt Street, Suite C
Tampa, Florida 33606


Contact us to learn more about legal assistance.


    There are many attorneys in Kentucky, and it’s important for you to find one that you feel comfortable with and who has the necessary experience. Here are some reasons why we think Carman Fullerton is your best choice:

    • We are experienced and bilingual. Attorney Kirby J. Fullerton and Attorney Dan Carman both speak Spanish and have accommodated speakers of other languages as well. Our team of attorneys have many years of experience representing clients involved in immigration cases of all types. We have worked with clients who have entered the United States both legally and illegally. We have helped non-citizens from all walks of life, with or without status, to fight to remain in the U.S.
    • We understand what you are going through and that you may feel vulnerable and confused, so we do everything possible to make you feel safe, listened to and understood.
    • We are recognized in our field. Dan Carman is a member of various local and national Bar Associations; he has previously been named in the Top 100 Trial Lawyers and Top 40 Under 40 by the National Trial Lawyers.
    • We know immigration and criminal law. Attorney Kirby Fullerton’s practice is focused on immigration law, and he represents clients in cases before the immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals. He has practiced criminal defense and understands how matters in criminal courts can affect a client’s immigration status.
    • We are local. With an office in Lexington, KY, our attorneys are well-positioned to provide engaged, personalized legal service for surrounding communities.
    • We are available 24/7 for client emergencies.

    The U.S. legal system is complicated, and making mistakes could result in consequences as severe as facing deportation. Immigrants, especially those who may not speak English fluently and who may be unfamiliar with the U.S. legal system, should not try to represent themselves.

    The compassionate immigration attorneys at Carman Fullerton know what you are going through and the importance of being able to stay in the United States. We have many years of experience as Kentucky immigration lawyers and know the ins and outs of the legal system.  You can benefit from our knowledge, fluency in English and legal education.

    We have helped other immigrants achieve the right to remain in the U.S. and keep their family together. We are fully prepared to do the same for you. We are dedicated to providing the highest possible level of service. Call us today at (859) 971-0060.

    How Our Immigration Attorney Helps You

    Every person who works at Carman Fullerton— lawyers and support staff — shares our commitment to clients. When you have our team on your side, we will:

    • meet with you to discuss your immigration situation and determine the best way to handle it, as well as any legal issues you are facing
    • coach you to make sure you know how to answer questions and handle any interviews so you say the right thing to benefit your case
    • help you fill out forms to make sure everything is done properly and that they are filed correctly and in a timely manner
    • represent you at all court hearings and appearances
    • advocate for you if your claim is denied.

    Our immigration attorneys at Carman Fullerton can provide you with representation that can make the difference. Put your trust in the attorneys who earn the trust of their clients every day.

    Cases Our Lexington Immigration Attorneys Help With

    Our immigration attorneys help people who have legal problems commonly faced by those who have immigrated to the United States. Naturally, issues that threaten immigrant status which arise from aggressive campaigns by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) cause many to worry.

    Whether you or a family member has been detained by ICE, is seeking a green card, or wants to get a driver’s license, these are all common legal hurdles faced by immigrants in Kentucky. Our immigration attorneys in Lexington, KY, can help.

    But everyday legal issues encountered by our new or prospective citizens concern them just as much, which is why we also provide representation in other areas, such as . . .

    • Vehicle accident injury claims and cases
    • On-the job injuries and workers’ compensation
    • DUI defense
    • Family law.

    We help people facing difficult times in their lives by protecting their rights, advocating on their behalf, and working every day to make sure the legal system treats them fairly. Whether you are a newly arrived immigrant, a long-time legal resident or a naturalized citizen, we have the legal experience necessary to handle the unique legal challenges you may face. We have helped countless other immigrant families, and our immigration attorneys know we can assist you, too.

    Our Immigration Attorneys Handle a Wide Range of Cases

    At Carman Fullerton, our immigration lawyers welcome many types of cases faced by immigrants, and we are here to help you navigate the U.S. legal system. Our lawyers focus on serving the unique legal needs of immigrants and their families. Immigration, family law, criminal defense – each presents unique concerns. No matter which legal challenges you or your family faces, Carman Fullerton can provide you with legal representation that can make the difference.

    Some of the issues we help with are:

    If you’re facing a critical time in your life because of a legal issue, you need to find an attorney you can trust. Carman Fullerton has earned the trust of its clients because of the knowledge they possess, their hard work, and how well they understand their clients.

    Contact our office as soon as possible so we can talk about your situation, your rights and the best ways you can protect those rights, your liberty and your family.

    Our Immigration Attorney In Lexington, KY, Focuses On Your Needs

    Immigration laws in the United States are complicated, and the chances of being deported in today’s political climate are very high. Our immigration attorney deals with the needs of immigrants every day and knows how to handle them to increase the chances of achieving a favorable outcome. Among the most important issues are:

    Detention by ICE

    The number of people held by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for immigration violations increases each year in America. Detentions often occur because an individual is residing in the United States without authorization. Even long-time legal permanent residents can be detained by ICE if they have a criminal  record, including misdemeanors and non-violent offenses. An immigrant can be held in detention for many months while he or she fights the ICE charges.

    Individuals held in immigration custody are considered federal (rather than state) detainees, even if they are physically held in state or local facilities. The Chicago ICE office oversees all immigrants who are arrested and detained in Kentucky, as well as those in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri and Wisconsin. When an arrest is made in Kentucky, ICE typically takes immigrants to the closest local field office, which is in Louisville, where they are processed. These immigrants are then frequently transported to the Boone County jail in Burlington, KY – the closest county jail that has a contract with ICE.

    You can use the Online Detainee Locator System to find someone in immigration detention. The conditions of detention must meet minimum standards, though the conditions themselves can vary from location to location. The National Detention Standards (NDS) and Performance-Based National Detention Standards (PBNDS) govern the conditions of detention. The NDS can be found here, while the PBNDS are here.

    If you have a family member who has been detained by ICE, you need an experienced immigration attorney on your side who can fight the legal system and work to secure your loved one’s release. Contact an immigration lawyer in Lexington, KY, at Carman Fullerton at  859-971-0060 for an initial conversation about your loved one’s status.

    Getting a Green Card

    Typically there are three primary ways to get a green card (signifying permanent residency) in Kentucky – through marriage, employment or family ties.

    More than 5,400 people successfully secured green cards in Kentucky in 2017. They immigrated from countries around the world. Currently in Kentucky there are more than 140,000 foreign-born residents.

    The U.S. Customs and Immigration Service maintains one field office in Kentucky. It is located at the Gene Snyder U.S. Courthouse and Custom House at 601 West Broadway, Suite 390, Louisville, KY 40202.

    Getting a green card is a difficult process in the United States, requiring a great deal of paperwork, legal filings, fees and vaccinations, among other things. The best way to start the process of securing a green card is to contact an experienced immigration lawyer to guide you. If you have married a resident of Kentucky, are employed by a company in Kentucky, or have family members living in this state, the green card process will be easier, but it is not guaranteed. The immigration attorneys at Carman Fullerton can give you more information about your unique situation.

    Getting Non-Immigrant Visas

    Carman Fullerton can also help with non-immigrant visas related to working, traveling or living in the U.S., as well as other matters. Some of these include:

    • H1B Visa Specialty Occupation
    • B1 Business Travel
    • E1Visa Treaty Trader
    • E2 Visa Treaty Investor
    • B2 Tourist Visa
    • F1 Visa Academic Students
    • J1 Visa Exchange Visitor
    • K3 Visa Spouse of U.S. Citizen
    • K1 Fiancee of U.S. Citizen
    • O1 Visa Extraordinary Ability.
    We are highly experienced with a vast array of visa issues and can help clients file paperwork and guide them through the legal system when securing visas. If you have questions about what is necessary to qualify for each type of visa, call us today.


    Lexington, KY Oficina

    271 West Short St., Ste. 101
    Lexington, Kentucky 40507

    Tampa, FL Oficina

    210 West Platt Street, Suite C
    Tampa, Florida 33606


    Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información sobre asistencia legal.

      Our Legal Services


      Immigration Law

      Immigration Law

      Visas, deportation / removal, asylum, citizenship and all areas of immigration.

      Cuban Family Reunification

      Cuban Family Reunification

      Immigrants from Cuba who need assistance petitioning for their relatives to immigrate.

      SIJ Status

      SIJ Status

      SJS status provides special protection to non-citizen juveniles while in the U.S.

      Family Law

      Family Law

      Our family law attorneys can help you with divorce, custody, and several other matters.

      Personal Injury

      Personal Injury

      Our attorneys are here to help you get compensation for your pain.

      Criminal Law

      Criminal Law

      Our lawyers handle all types of criminal charges, misdemeanors and felonies.

      Worker's Compensation

      Worker's Compensation

      Injured on the job? You may be entitled to compensation benefits.

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      Is what you’re looking for not listed? See our other practice areas by following this link.

      Ley de Inmigración

      Ley de Inmigración

      Visas, deportación / deportación, asilo, ciudadanía y todas las áreas de inmigración.

      Derecho penal

      Derecho penal

      Nuestros abogados manejan todo tipo de cargos penales, delitos menores y delitos graves.

      Lesiones Personales

      Lesiones Personales

      Nuestros abogados están aquí para ayudarlo a obtener una compensación por su dolor.

      Ley familiar

      Ley familiar

      Nuestros abogados de derecho familiar pueden ayudarlo con el divorcio, la custodia y otros asuntos.

      Estatus "SIJ"

      Estatus "SIJ"

      El estado SIJ brinda protección especial a menores no ciudadanos mientras se encuentran en los Estados Unidos.



      Inmigrantes de Cuba que necesitan ayuda solicitando a sus familiares para inmigrar.

      Compensación a los Trabajadores

      Compensación a los Trabajadores

      ¿Herido en el trabajo? Usted puede tener derecho a beneficios de compensación.

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      ¿Lo que estás buscando no está en la lista? Vea nuestras otras áreas de práctica siguiendo este enlace.

      Contact our office as soon as possible at (859) 469-4880 so we can talk about your situation, your rights and the best ways you can protect those rights, your liberty and your family.

      Carman Fullerton can provide you with legal representation that can make the difference you need.

      Put your trust in the Lexington immigration attorneys who earn the trust of their clients every day.


      You are not required by law to have an attorney handle any of your legal matters. It is possible to file all necessary paperwork and represent yourself at all hearings, negotiations and trials in court. But your chances of winning are much greater if you have an experienced lawyer. The immigration attorneys at Carman Fullerton handle a range of cases for our clients. For example:

      • If you’re dealing with a personal injury or workers’ comp claim, your lawyer may effectively negotiate a satisfactory settlement, helping you avoid a costly trial.
      • When you are represented by a lawyer against ICE, the chances of success are also noticeably better than if you argue your own case before an immigration judge.
      • Having a seasoned family law attorney helps obtain the best possible outcome for you and your children.
      • A good DUI lawyer can make the difference between staying out of jail and keeping your driver’s license – and losing both your freedom and privilege to drive.

      A case evaluation is the best way to learn how Carman Fullerton can help you with whatever legal challenge you face. There is no charge for your first consultation, so don’t hesitate to call us today.

      What Makes a Good Immigration Attorney in Lexington?


      First, having a lawyer who has trial experience is an important thing to look for in an immigration attorney in Lexington, because a trial could be the eventual outcome of your case. At Carman Fullerton, we try to resolve immigration issues for our clients through negotiations, but we are prepared to argue in front of a judge and in a courtroom if that is what’s needed. We are highly skilled trial lawyers.

      You also want to look for the following things when choosing an immigration lawyer:

      • Your lawyer’s ability to investigate the facts, then build your solid case around them
      • Your immigration attorney’s proven effectiveness at negotiating
      • A high level of compassion for you, the client
      • The ability to listen attentively to your concerns and offer support.

      Our immigration lawyers in Lexington possess all of these characteristics and more. We have decades of experience championing the unique causes of our immigrant community. We are here for you, and we are easy to talk to.

      Be aware that there are statutes of limitations (time limits) for filing many cases. The statutes of limitation vary for the many different legal issues related to immigration, vehicle accident injury claims, and on-the job injuries and workers’ compensation. Your Carman Fullerton immigration lawyer will make sure you understand the time limits that may apply to your situation and will get to work for you immediately.

      Contact Our Immigration Lawyers in Lexington for Help


      The Right Lexington Immigration Lawyer for Your Needs

      Carman Fullerton offers effective and skilled immigration representation in the Lexington area. We can pursue your case in the Kentucky immigration system, and we can also represent you in Administrative Appeals legal actions or in front of the Board of Immigration Appeals. Our immigration lawyers are highly trained and qualified to argue cases before the U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court.

      Because of our comprehensive legal skills, we can represent you aggressively in various courts and hearings depending on your specific situation.

      If you are frightened, worried or uncertain about your rights under the law, contact an experienced Lexington immigration attorney for help. We have assisted countless immigrant families who were in your shoes, and we know how to quickly make things better. You don’t have to go it alone. Contact an immigration attorney at Carman Fullerton today at (859) 971-0060.


      Lexington, KY Oficina

      271 West Short St., Ste. 101
      Lexington, Kentucky 40507

      Tampa, FL Oficina

      210 West Platt Street, Suite C
      Tampa, Florida 33606


      Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información sobre asistencia legal.

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